Class Recap: April 11 2022


This week's class was a return to the earlier days of Reimagining the Transaltanic Order, as the KU Leuven students were not present for the discussion. The European contingent of this class was still enjoying their Easter Break, some back in Belgium, others still state-side and exploring New York City! 

The AU students came together for an immigration talk, expertly facilitated through a special guest lecture, "A Comparative Look at Immigrant and Refugee Immigration," from American University professor and Director of AU's Immigration Lab, Dr. Ernesto Castañeda. Dr. Castañeda spoke on how to measure immigrant immigration using data pulled from public polls, official statistics, and even public speeches from lawmakers. Dr. Castañeda spoke on the immigrant experiences of different groups in different cities; Latinos in New York, Algerians in Paris, and Moroccans in Spain. 

In comparing the US and Europe, Dr. Castañeda put forth the idea that societies build walls on three different levels. "The abstract level of theory, normative arguments, and categorical thinking; the legal and legislative level, including policy debates, online and media discussion, and the micro-level, as it affects migrants and non-migrants in everyday interactions." Moreover, Dr. Castañeda rightly stated that "today's immigrant and refugee exclusion is part of a long history of division and exploitation along categorical lines." 

One of the most significant takeaways from the Cr. Castañeda's presentation was this: 

"What is good for immigrants is good for residents, and vice versa...The creation of cities that all residents can call 'home' is good for newcomers and natives alike." 
